Privacy Policy

Acceptance of Terms

Matchbox is a discord Music bot . MatchBox (we) knows you care about your personal information and we take your privacy seriously. All personal information is collected by fair and lawful means, with your full knowledge and consent. We will also let you know why we’re collecting it and how it will be used.MatchBox does not share or sell your personal information for advertising or marketing purposes. We do not have any specific expectations with regard to how you make your privacy policy available. We simply expect that you do your best to make it available to your users however you see fit. This can be a link to a website, a command in your bot, a link to a Pastebin, the option for users to request it via DM, or pretty much anything that empowers users to go find your policy if they should want it.

Following Information is saved by MatchBox services only for proper function of them:

● User Ids ( To link you and your server members with your saved configurations)

● Server Ids ( Only stored in some circumstances for information like your server config in case of moderation bots)

● Channel Ids ( For command overwrites and configurations that are specific to channels )

● Role Ids ( For command overwrites and configurations that are specific to roles)

● Message Ids ( For message specific features like role menu, reaction roles, reaction verification)

● Any user supplied content that can include text for greetings, reminders.

We only retain collected information for as long as necessary to provide you with your requested service. What data we do collect, we’ll protect using commercially reasonable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. We will store data for a maximum of 20 days then all data will be deleted . The user can request data cancellation at anytime via ticket on the discord support server.